import numpy as np
import tensorflow as tf
import os 
import glob
import argparse
import random
#from resnet import ResNet
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from tensorflow.keras.applications import ResNet50
from pysim import config
import importlib
import glob

1. Laden der Daten (zuvor aufgeteilt in train, valid und test Datensätze)

totalTrain = glob.glob(os.path.sep.join([config.TRAIN_PATH, '*', '*']))
totalVal   = glob.glob(os.path.sep.join([config.VAL_PATH, '*', '*']))
totalTest   = glob.glob(os.path.sep.join([config.VAL_PATH, '*', '*']))
print(len(totalTrain), len(totalVal), len(totalTest))
22048 2756 2756

2. Datensätze erweitern und aus dem Verzeichnis lesen

trainAug = tf.keras.preprocessing.image.ImageDataGenerator()#,rescale = 1./255.)
valAug = tf.keras.preprocessing.image.ImageDataGenerator()#,rescale = 1./255.)

# define the ImageNet mean subtraction (in RGB order) and set the
# the mean subtraction value for each of the data augmentation
# objects
mean = np.array([123.68, 116.779, 103.939], dtype="float32")
trainAug.mean = mean
valAug.mean = mean

trainGen = trainAug.flow_from_directory(config.TRAIN_PATH, class_mode="categorical",\
                                        classes = ["Parasitized", "Uninfected"],\
                                        shuffle = True, color_mode = 'rgb',\
                                        batch_size = config.BATCH_SIZE)
valGen  = valAug.flow_from_directory(config.VAL_PATH, class_mode = "categorical", shuffle = True, color_mode = "rgb")
testGen = valAug.flow_from_directory(config.TEST_PATH, class_mode = "categorical", shuffle = True, color_mode = "rgb") 
Found 22046 images belonging to 2 classes.
Found 2756 images belonging to 2 classes.
Found 2756 images belonging to 2 classes.

3. Laden von ResNet ohne die Ausgabeschicht

base_model = ResNet50(include_top = False, weights = "imagenet",\
                  input_tensor = tf.keras.layers.Input(shape = (224,224,3)))

4. Aufbau von Zusatz- und Ausgabeschichten auf resnet

x = base_model.output
x = tf.keras.layers.AveragePooling2D(pool_size = (7,7))(x)
x = tf.keras.layers.Flatten()(x)
x = tf.keras.layers.Dense(256)(x)
x = tf.keras.layers.Dropout(0.5)(x)
output_ = tf.keras.layers.Dense(len(config.CLASSES))(x)

model = tf.keras.models.Model(inputs = [base_model.input] , outputs = [output_])
tf.keras.utils.plot_model(model, show_shapes = True)

5. Schleife über alle Schichten und Einfrieren der Basismodellschichten

for layer in base_model.layers:
     layer.trainable = False

6. Modellkompilierung und Optimierung

optimizer = tf.keras.optimizers.SGD(learning_rate = config.INIT_LR, decay = config.INIT_LR / config.NUM_EPOCHS)
loss = tf.keras.losses.BinaryCrossentropy()
model.compile(optimizer = optimizer, loss = loss, metrics = ["accuracy"])
H =, steps_per_epochs = totalTrain//config.BATCH_SIZE,
              validation_data = valGen, validation_steps = totalVal//config.BATCH_SIZE,
              epochs = config.NUM_EPOCHS)
print("[INFO] evaluating network...")
predIdxs = model.predict_generator(testGen, steps=(totalTest // config.BS) + 1)
# label with corresponding largest predicted probability
predIdxs = np.argmax(predIdxs, axis=1)

# show a nicely formatted classification report
#print(classification_report(testGen.classes, predIdxs, target_names=testGen.class_indices.keys()))

# serialize the model to disk
print("[INFO] saving model..."), save_format="h5")
N = config.NUM_EPOCHS"ggplot")
plt.plot(np.arange(0, N), H.history["loss"], label="train_loss")
plt.plot(np.arange(0, N), H.history["val_loss"], label="val_loss")
plt.plot(np.arange(0, N), H.history["accuracy"], label="train_acc")
plt.plot(np.arange(0, N), H.history["val_accuracy"], label="val_acc")
plt.title("Training Loss and Accuracy on Dataset")
plt.xlabel("Epoch #")
plt.legend(loc="lower left")


Adrian Rosebrock, OpenCV Face Recognition, PyImageSearch,, accessed on 3 January, 2021> www: